The Concept
Fire Survival has been conceived as a TOTAL PROTECTION SYSTEM for protecting lives of firemen trapped in a wildfire. It can adapt to entrapment in a fire truck, bulldozer, helicopter brigades,… The complete system makes a kit including 3 items:
1. The Nozzle (FS1)
The nozzle Complete protection Protective shield
It is specially designed to establish SAFETY – PROTECTION – EXTINCTION – SELF -PROTECTION – GEOLOCALIZATION of people and goods threatened by fire in entrapment situations. Its water screen and extinguishing agent creates a protective shield over the survival zone. Suitable for fire fighting vehicles and work equipment linked to the fire fighting vehicle.
2. The Shelter (FS2)
Collective shelter Up to 6 persons Interior confort
The Fireproof and Waterproof Collective Shelter is specially designed to promote the safety and protection of combat personnel, in extreme situations of entrapment by fire, where the existing environmental conditions of temperature and gases are incompatible with human life. Its features, as well as its use, allow it to be considered as collective protection equipment in the fire sector. Available for 4 or 6 firemen.
It is not a usual fire shelter because a) We have 20 minutes breathable air supply, b) We have interior confort with lights, Oxygen detector, c)Interior temperature is always safe, d) seal of external gases
3. The Tire Protectors (FS3)
Easy to install Fire resistant Full protection
The Thermal Protector of Tires, Fireproof and Impermeable is specially designed to establish the protection of the tires of the vehicle and to avoid its ignition in extreme situations of exposure to fire, due to it is an element especially susceptible to burst into flames during the passage of a flame front, in situations of trapping of the vehicle. Available for Heavy and Light vehicles.
The Origin
Two spanish firemen were trapped in a deadly accident in 2011. Loss of their colleagues made them search, study and design a total protection system to avoid these deaths in case of fire entrapments. After many years of research and development, they finally patented this complete solution.
The Deployment
We know that seconds are the difference between life and death in fire entrapments, so the Complete Fire Survival System is fully installed in 1 minutes and 39 seconds.
This deployment automatizes the safety protocol in case of entrapment, so there is no time for taking wrong decisions.
The Community
The inventors and patentors of the Fire Survival are FIREMEN, and they are aware of the importance of the Fire Community. So all test reports, certifications, knowledge base and experience is free to share to all firemen worldwide.
Fits in any space Thermal test of nozzle Training of firemen